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  • The educational programs of the UIT department have passed an international external examination
The educational programs of the UIT department have passed an international external examination

At the end of March, the educational programs of our department passed an international external examination for compliance with the requirements of European standards and recommendations of the European Association guarantees quality in higher educationESG-ENQAby following directions:

-      policy and strategy guarantees quality education;

-      system of development, approval, monitoring and  improvement educational programs;

-      the process of admission, training, assessment of academic performance and recognition of students' achievements;

-      competence teaching staff;

-      sufficiency and availability span>educational resources and system support students;

-      information management system;

-      informing    the public about as an education;

-      proceduresinternalandexternalmonitoringeducational programs.


For details, see the website National Center professional and public accreditation

We thank our graduates and employers for their active participation in the examination!